"M M M" 2017

"M M M" 2017

Tuesday 10 January 2017

"17" "Healthy Foods" That Contains Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients, To Help Gain Energy, Stay Healthy & Fight Diseases So You Can Keep Making Millions In "2017"

"17" "Healthy Foods" That Contains Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients, To Help Gain Energy, Stay Healthy & Fight Diseases So You Can Keep Making Millions In "2017"

Feel a slump coming on? In need of an energy boost? Before you prepare to pop the cap of that energy drink, try adding more of these foods to your diet — they will up your energy, fight fatigue and give your metabolism the boost it needs.

Of course the best way to lose extra weight is to exercise! But if you’re not such a great fan of exercising and you’d rather change what you eat, then we have a perfect list of foods for you. The only thing you need to do is to incorporate some of these foods into your meals. They will relieve water retention and help you keep away from the cookies, candies and other low-nutritious foods you love to eat. Your metabolism will be boosted and you will not only feel better, but you will feel like your stomach is full during the whole day.

Fruits and vegetables are great for your health—and even better for your waistline. But some fresh foods are more powerful than others.

Super foods have more than their fair share of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting nutrients. Pack your meals with a nutritional punch by adding these 17 wholesome choices to your diet.

1.   Water

Many people are suffering from mild dehydration and don't even know it. This is especially true during the winter when we tend to drink less water than we do during the hot, thirst-inducing summer months. One major symptom of mild dehydration is fatigue; if you're feeling low and a bit on the parched side, drink a few glasses of water and you may just find yourself bursting with energy shortly afterward.

2.   Fruits

Fruits is a dynamo when it comes to providing a quick and healthy energy boost. Whether you grab an apple, banana, orange or [insert your favorite fruit of choice], you'll be filling your body with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber.  Fruits is a great solution for quick body detox. You can do this by adding a few fruits to your meals. Fruits acts as a digestive tonic and it helps your body to get rid of harmful bacteria in the intestines. Also, it helps you flush out the toxins and relieve water retention around the stomach. If this sounds good to you, try adding some to your diets.

3.   Green Vegetables

So you have a stubborn stomach that just won’t listen and always needs more? How about you include a portion of leafy green vegetables at every meal. Roman lettuce, kale, spinach and other leafy greens are extremely low in calories and they are packed with fibers! They also offer several vital vitamins for normal functioning of your organism. Minerals in them will help ease water retention without causing bloating and discomfort that some other vegetables cause.


4.   Honey

Containing glucose and fructose, honey is one sweet source of energy, with the glucose providing instant energy while the fructose offers a longer, more sustained energy. The bottom line: honey will keep your blood-sugar levels more stable than other types of sugar, avoiding those energy peaks and valleys throughout the day.

5.   Coconut

Coconut is an excellent source of medium-chain triglycerides which have been found to increase energy. And coconut oil has been seen to boost thyroid function, which will boost your metabolism and provide you with increased energy and endurance.

6.   Avocado

Widely considered one of the healthiest foods in the world. Avocado is chock full of beneficial nutrients for your cardiovascular health. Such as:
·         -Vitamin E content helps prevent cholesterol oxidation
·         - Folate helps keep homocysteine levels in the blood at bay
·         - Phytosterols help reduce cholesterol absorption
·         - Potassium aids in blood pressure regulation
·         - Fiber helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
Aside from being heart healthy, eating avocado is known to have wonderful aesthetic benefits. The Omega-9 fats are great for repairing damaged skin cells. Its antioxidants help prevent wrinkling of the skin and the vitamin C aids the production and retention of collagen and elastin, which are the primary factors in skin elasticity and firmness. This means that daily avocado treatment can even complement a traditional skincare regimen. (And avocado toast is basically the greatest thing ever.). Just one half of a medium-size avocado contains more than 4 grams of fiber and 15% of your recommended daily folate intake. Cholesterol-free and rich in monounsaturated fats and potassium, avocados are also a powerhouse for heart health.

7.   Sweet Potato

Not only are sweet potatoes chock full of high-fibre carbs, they're also loaded with potassium that will balance your electrolytes and maintain maximum hydration. In addition, potassium helps lower blood pressure and lessens stress in the body that can cause you to feel fatigued. Offers a hefty serving of vitamin A, antioxidants, vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin D, and iron. They're also a good source of magnesium which reduces stress. Swap in sweet potato fries for the regulars, ladies!  Need a beta-carotene fix? Just one medium sweet potato packs over four times the recommended daily amount. These tasty tubers are also rich in potassium, inflammation-fighting vitamin C, and vitamin B6, which may prevent clogged arteries.

8.   Cocoa
Contains endorphins and helps to lower blood pressure, and helps your body consume magnesium and copper, among many other benefits. Be sure to stick with cocoa that's as pure as possible (85% or higher). Dark chocolate in particular is great for the body, particularly because of the anti-inflammatory elements in our body

9.   Coconut Oil / Olive Oil

Coconut Oil : A healthier alternative to butter and other oils; it is a great source of fat. It moisturizes skin and hair, increases energy, can improve blood cholesterol levels, and is the perfect oil for popping homemade popcorn. The benefits and uses are endless. (Bonus: It’s been used as a remedy for hair loss and damage, as well as a conditioner and anti-dandruff applicant.)

Olive Oil : Believe it or not, olive oil can actually help you lose weight. Olive oil contains poly saturated fats that can stave off hunger pains. Also, olive oil contains a naturally occurring chemical called oleic acid. This acid helps the breakdown of excess fats in the body. Olive oil can be taken in the morning, if that doesn’t grose you out too much. It’s being said that if you keep a tablespoon of olive oil in your mouth for a few moments before eating it, it can collect all the bacteria’s from your tongue. Improves bone mineralization which helps fight osteoporosis, lowers your LDL cholesterol, and lowers your risk of heart disease. Olive oil also improves bone mineralization which helps fight osteoporosis.

10.         Walnut

Help prevent heart disease, lower LDL cholesterol, improves blood flow, and are great for overall brain health. Did you know that men who eat walnuts have a reduced susceptibility to prostate cancer? They’re also full of amino acids and antioxidants.
Super foods are a great way to add variety into your diet. Through delicious and healthy choices you can improve your overall health without enormous changes to your daily diet. One-quarter cup of walnuts supplies 90% of the daily recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in everything from maintaining cognitive function, to improving cholesterol and blood pressure.

11.         Peanuts / Peanut Butter

You may be surprised to read about peanuts actually being good for your belly, but of you eat a small handful of peanuts, they might be good to you. Eating peanuts between the meals can stop you from overeating and they give you protein you need for having that flat, nice stomach. Peanuts are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. They also contain vitamin E, which is very good to your skin.
You probably wouldn't throw a jar of peanut butter into your handbag, but for convenience and natural portion control, you can carry individual squeeze packs of nut butters. Smear on a banana to up the antioxidants and fiber, suggests Oppenheimer.

12.         Oats

By eating a portion of oats in the morning, you are providing your body a slow-released, natural energy that will last the whole day. Oats are filling and they can help you lose weight! They are perfect as a breakfast solution (instead of cereals covered with sugar) because they can be a part of a low-calorie diet. You will feel fuller longer and if you eat oats for some time, it can lower your cholesterol too.
Just add hot water, stir, and you've got a warm bowl of protein- and fiber-packed oats in minutes for 150 to 200 calories per serving (depending on which flavor you choose). 


13.         Beans

Did you know that each tiny bean is packed with fibers, nutrients and protein? Beans are also low in calories but they will give you energy throughout the day because they release energy slowly. Because of this, you will feel fuller and the high protein content will help you firm up your muscles and it will keep you toned so eat more bean instead of beef. Beans are packed with protein, nutrients and fibre, which help to keep blood sugar stable and prevent energy from dipping



14.         Popcorn

Complex carbohydrates will fill your energy tanks, and popcorn is a great snack because you'll get a lot of fibre, which will also make you feel full. It's also a far healthier choice than salty, carb-loaded snacks such as potato chips and pretzels.



15.         Ginger Tea / Green Tea

Ginger tea : Instead of chugging one of those five-hour energy drinks, sip a hot cup of ginger tea instead. Ginger is a mild stimulant and its spiciness will, like hot peppers, speed your metabolism and cause food to be converted to energy faster.
Green tea : Has been known as a very healthy tea you should drink every day. Drinking green tea helps body flush out all the unnecessary fluids and it helps bloated stomach to calm. The bloating you might be experiencing is because of the excessive water reduction. Green tea also speeds up the metabolism and helps burning the fat you don’t need. Also, green tea is good for calming your nerves.

16.         Hard Boiled Egg

Eggs are one of the few foods that are considered to be a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that the body can't produce on its own. Eating an egg will provide sustained, long-term energy and help curb your appetite as well. Hardboiled egg.

Eggs used to be considered a nutritional no-no due to their high cholesterol content. Today, though, most nutritionists agree that they're a powerhouse breakfast or snack when enjoyed in moderation. In addition to protein, the humble egg gives you a hearty dose of vitamin D and vitamin B-12 for just 77 calories apiece. Best part: they're easy to take on the run—just remember to peel them before you go to make eating them on your commute a snap. Even better: some convenience and grocery stores sell hardboiled eggs in packages of two, so they're a snap to snatch up when traveling.

17.         Turkey

A 4-ounce portion of turkey breast meat contains almost 50% of your daily selenium, a trace mineral that plays essential roles in immune function and antioxidant defense. Despite the claim that turkey meat causes drowsiness during the holidays, it actually contains high amounts of niacin and vitamin B6, which are important for efficient energy production and blood-sugar regulation.

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