"M M M" 2017

"M M M" 2017

Tuesday 10 January 2017

"17" Secrets You Must Adopt To Be A Millionaire In "2017"

"17" "Secrets" You Must Adopt To Be A Millionaire In "2017"

Becoming a millionaire is not extremely difficult. It takes money, time, discipline, attitude and a little luck. All you need to do is be these 17 be's to become millionaire.
Repeat these 17 process always After that it’s just a matter of time. 
The process really is that simple. Of course, it may not seem as easy as I laid it out here, but it really is. Remember, this is not an overnight get rich quick scheme. It takes time, planning, efforts and a little luck along the way and then you will achieve the success of becoming a millionaire in 2017.

1.    You Need a Source of Income
Unless you are born into riches, inherit wealth, or strike it rich in the lottery, you need to earn money. And as this 78 year old man proves, you don’t need to earn a lot of money to become wealthy; it’s what you do with that money that matters. If you want to increase your odds of becoming a millionaire, then look at some of these methods of making extra money. Just adding a few of these ideas to your lifestyle can increase your wealth.

2.   Have a budget

There is little you can do about the state of the economy. As tough as things are, you have to find ways of surviving against all odds. It is important for you to become more prudent and change your spending habits.
It is crucial for you to create a budget that will help you to be financially stable. Budget as an important tool for financial security will help you put your expenses in check. Having created one, you will know what your money goes into. You will be able to cut back on your spending if the need arises.

3.    Earn More Than You Spend
My belief is that you should focus on buying value on the things you enjoy, and you should focus on making big wins to reduce your expenses on non-essentials and things which don’t bring you joy.
Above all else, living within your means is the key to financial success. If you can combine both of these principles, earning more and spending less, you will be ahead of 95% of the world if you want to supercharge.

4.    Save Some of Your Income
There is a simple fact that many people miss: you will never grow wealthy if you spend everything you earn. Regardless of how much money you earn, you need to put some aside in savings. Having a cash cushion is nice because it helps you prepare for unexpected expenses and helps you avoid debt. But there is another reason that saving money is important – because of taxes and other factors, money saved is worth more than money earned!

Another advantage of having some cash savings is the ability to use the money for investments or other large purchases when you come across a good deal. This could be a something like an investment, property, or just a good deal that saves you thousands of dollars on a major purchase. Take advantage of these principles and save money whenever possible.

      5.    Save more to make investment

It does not matter how old you are, if you are keen on making it in life, then you have to start by learning how to save.
Nothing is too small to be saved; these savings can be kept in secure accounts that you do not have access to. This will help you not to touch the money even when there is an emergency.
Whatever you save should be invested and not placed into another savings account. The best way to tie money down is to invest it into a profitable business that will yield return. If you are working, a part of your salary should be saved every month.
Contribute money towards your retirement so that you are not stranded in any way when you are no longer in active service.

      6.   Be sure of the investments you make
With the tight economic situation, you have to know what you put your money into. Before learning investing in a business, you should learn what the business is about before you commit yourself into it financially.
The kind of investments you make can be used to evaluate the kind of person you are. Avoid businesses with yields that cannot be explained.
People who invested in Ponzi scheme still have themselves to blame. Avoid mistakes like that in 2017. This way, you will not be defrauded.
Do not be afraid to make investments or take part in businesses that will be additional sources of income to you. Life itself is a risk.

     7.   Avoid debts that won't make more money
Make it a rule that you never use debt that won’t make you money. Use debts that you know it could increase your income. Rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer.  Also piling up debt will draw you back and prevent you from reaching your financial goals.
Some people end up taking their own lives when they do not know where to turn to again with the debts they are into.
Do not let your debts pile up to the level where you would want to kill yourself. A little amount of money every month will help reduce the debt.

     8.   Have more source of income
The bitter truth is that you will die a poor man if you stick to one source of income. While you have a sustainable means of income, make investments or do businesses that will continue to bring in money from different points.
You cannot afford to make plans based on a source of income; in planning to become a millionaire, you need to start thinking like one. Think and grow rich; it is a must for your ideas to lead to streams of income.
Depending on your net worth, you can own a business venture or be a part owner. Either way, you need a business by the side to bring in money so that you will not get broke. The more streams of income you have, the more financially stable you will be.

    9.   Concentrate on earning
If you want to be a millionaire, then you have to put your eyes on the prize. Do not take your eyes off the concept of making more money. You have to find means of increasing your income while doing things to double your savings.
Concentrate on earning and do everything possible to make more money. Follow the money and it will help you see opportunities that can yield in more money.
Find high paying jobs you can have by the side, supply services to those who need and you will make more before you know it. It is important for you to read books that will widen your horizon and teach you the basic things you need to know before starting a business.

10. Make Regular Investments
Investing is the best way to grow your wealth. Compound interest has been called the strongest force in the universe, and you want that force working for you! There are many ways to invest, and you can be successful as long as you make wise investment decisions and let time and compound interest work for you. Investing in tax advantaged retirement accounts can help you grow your wealth more quickly since you won’t have the drag of taxes pulling down your investment portfolio. You can also use retirement accounts to shape your taxes both now and in the future, giving you a powerful tool to help grow your wealth.

Investing can seem intimidating if you haven’t started yet. But it doesn’t have to be.

11. Monitor and Repeat the Process
In today’s economic environment you cannot save your way to millionaire status. The first step is to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating that.
The path to becoming a millionaire becomes easier once you get the process started. It all starts at the beginning with small lifestyle changes. For example, making small lifestyle changes to reduce your fixed monthly expenses can go a long way toward helping you spend less than you earn. This in turn makes it easier to save a little money each month. Once you have a little cash saved, small emergencies are no longer emergencies and you are no longer treading water. This makes it easier to invest.
There are other things you can do to make the process easier. You can, for example, set up an automatic savings or investment program so you don’t have to think about it. Out of sight, out of mind is a great motto when it comes to saving.
But you also need to know where your money is going.  To give you an idea of where your money is going, there are a number of excellent free online money management tools which make it easy to see your income, expenses, and spending patterns in one place. My favorite is a free money management tool called Personal Capital which helps you track income, spending, and your investments.
Once you know your patterns, you can plan your spending and investing around them to help you reach your goals.

     12.  Work On Your Mentality
If you want to be a controller of millions, then you need to change the way you think. Firstly, you have to believe you can make the money while you go in active pursuit of things that will bring you more money.
Being rich has to do with your thinking; do not join the masses in believing something is impossible. Create goals and make sure they become actualized.
While you are all about becoming a millionaire, you have to invest in your personal development. Read one or two pages of motivational and inspirational books everyday. Listen to the news; let your knowledge of things be vast and you will have ideas pouring in. Have mentors that can set you on the right path.
Do not stick to your field alone. It is essential for you to be an all rounder if you want to be a renowned millionaire. Many of the millionaires in the society are readers. They consume knowledge and make it a must to learn everyday.

     13.   Get and study your millionaire mentor/role model
 Most of us were brought up middle class or poor and then hold ourselves to the limits and ideas of that group. Make a habit of studying millionaires and you could duplicate what they did especially their knowledge and ideas. So get your own personal millionaire mentor and study them. Most rich people are extremely generous with their knowledge and their resources.

    14.    Aim High
Even as you plan on becoming a millionaire, have it in mind to have go beyond the first digit. Having the first one million should not be end point for you; strive to have up to ten million and use the above tips to double the amount as you start.
Learn to think big and chase you dreams. Not doing this is the mistake most people make.

      15.  Treat it like a duty
Multimillionaires are motivated not just by money, but by a need for the marketplace to validate their contributions. While I have always wanted wealth, I was driven more by my need to contribute consistent with my potential. Multimillionaires don't lower their targets when things get tough. Rather, they raise expectations for themselves because they see the difference they can make with their families, company, community and charities. 

    16. Work like a millionaire and keep promises
Rich people treat time differently. They buy it, while poor people sell it. The wealthy know time is more valuable than money itself. Make productive use of your time. Financially successful people are consumed by their hunt for success and work to the point that they feel they are progressing and not just working. 
Use the following promises (by Vickie L. Milazzo )to guide your every decision. The magic of the promises is that they are simple and can work for any entrepreneur that wants to be and remain a millionaire.
  • I will live and work a passionate life. Listen to your heart; then build your enterprise based on that passionate desire. When you wake up every day to a business you love, you'll do what it takes to succeed.
  • I will go for it or reject it outright. Don't spend your life in a holding pattern. Do it or forget it. Make a plan, and be realistic. Do you have time? Can you afford it? If not, reject it and come up with an attainable goal.
  • I will take one action step each day toward my ultimate vision. Unfulfilled dreams make people miserable. Acting on those dreams makes people happy. By taking action every day, you develop the habit and discipline to make your dream a reality. Success is in the motion.
  •  I commit to being a success for life.  Anyone can launch a new business. Growing a successful business, however, requires learning every day from every available resource, including books, researches and especially successful mentors.
  • I believe I can do anything. Believing is 90 percent of the win. Imagine your success with sensory detail. If you believe you'll achieve your goal--no matter what the challenges, no matter what anyone else tells you--you will succeed.

       17.    Stay Healthy
In your pursuit of money, do not forget to have yourself checked medically from time to time. You are an asset; do not let greed and stinginess cut short your life. Health is wealth!
Let your health be a priority this year. Avoid doing things that exert pressure on your heart in order not to have a heart related condition that will drain you financially.

Is Becoming Wealthy Really that Simple?

   Becoming A Millionaire 

    Here are the listed secrets to apply to become and remain a millionaire and then you can even become a billionaire and continue making millions

       Get started.

   If you want to become a millionaire, you need to decide to do it and get started. Maintain these 10 millionaire's tried and true method . Once you have that started; you can begin your million dollar journey

What will your millionaire story be?

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